January, 25, 2024

The International Networking-Forum
'Effective Digital Training:
New Challenges and Solutions'

Online-meeting platform for the participants of the international professional community

General information

Dear colleagues,

Welcome to the International Networking-Forum “Effective Digital Training: New Challenges and Solutions” held as part of VII Winter School of Pedagogical Excellence “Education and Language Teaching in the Era of Digitalization” (with international participation).

We hope this event will be an engaging and valuable experience for you.

Best regards,
Organizing Committee

Important dates

Registration deadline – January, 20, 2024


Duration of the event: 6.00 – 8.00 p.m. Moscow time



6.00-6.15 pm

Opening. Meet-and-Greet Session

6.15-7.45 pm

Speaking Session


Andrey Gareyev

6.15-6.30 pm

Ma. Guadalupe Rodríguez Bulnes, Irma Conchas Martínez
“Krashen's hypotheses on language acquisition: A Foundation for a Proposal for Teaching English as a Foreign Language in a Technological High School”

6.30-6.45 pm

Francisco Alberto Espinoza Moreno
“Unleashing Learning Potential: The Role of a Digital Curriculum Designer in Shaping the Future through Bite-sized Experiences”

6.45-7.00 pm

Dr. Nallely Garza, Laura López
“The use of chat GPT as a tool in language teaching and translation activities”

7.00-7.15 pm

Deepesh Soni
“Learning Online: The Problems and Their Solutions That Work”

7.15-7.30 pm

José Natário
“In-person vs Online Teachers’ Training”

7.30-7.45 pm

Carmen Sobalvarro
“Strategic Feedback: Nurturing Writers’ Competence and Confidence”

7.45-7.55 pm

Question-Answer Session

7.55-8.00 pm

Final resolutions. Closing





+7 (3412) 77-39-40


